Buying a First Home in Cheltenham Borough

What are First Homes?

First Homes is a government scheme aimed at helping first-time buyers, including keyworkers, onto the property ladder. These homes are offered at a discount of 30% compared to the market price. This discount will apply forever and is passed down to future buyers. 

First Homes are marketed and sold by developers as part of the affordable housing requirement delivered on new developments.

How to apply for a First Home

You'll need to check if the builder is including First Homes as part of a development. If they are, you must qualify through the eligibility criteria (found below) and apply through the builder. You'll find a step-by-step guide for buying a First Home on GOV.UK.

We request that you submit a supporting statement alongside your application for a First Home.

We have published a list of developments where planning permission has been granted and which include First Homes.

National First Homes eligibility criteria

To buy a First Home you must meet both the national (government) and local (council) eligibility criteria. If you meet these criteria, then once you’ve found a home you like and can afford, you must make your application directly through the builder.

The table below shows the features that apply to First Homes and the criteria that buyers need to meet:

First Home features and qualifying criteria

First Homes features

First Homes qualifying criteria

Sales values (after applying discounts) capped at £250,000

Only available to first-time buyers.

Sold with a minimum 30% discount on open market value

Household yearly income cannot exceed £80,000

Discount is passed on to all future buyers

Must be a buyer’s main residence

Sales cap only applies on first sale

Must be purchased with at least a 50% mortgage

Local First Homes eligibility criteria

Cheltenham Borough Council is keen to ensure that any First Homes delivered in Cheltenham Borough meet the housing needs and aspirations of local residents.

Local connection requirements

If you are looking to purchase a First Home in Cheltenham Borough you will need to meet our local connection criteria.

To qualify for a local connection to Cheltenham Borough under the First Homes scheme, you will only need to demonstrate one of the following local connection criteria:

  • Work in Cheltenham Borough and/or
  • Live in Cheltenham Borough and/or
  • Have close family connections living in Cheltenham Borough and/or
  • Be currently taking part in regular (at least weekly) voluntary work based in Cheltenham Borough, which has been continuous for at least the last 6 months and/or
  • Be able to demonstrate other special factors

For clarity, only one member of your household buying a First Home in joint names needs to have a local connection to Cheltenham Borough for all First Homes sales. 

More detailed information about First Homes can be found on GOV.UK

Key Workers and First Homes

If you are a key worker, we would strongly encourage you to apply for First Homes. We classify employees working in the following sectors as key workers:

  • NHS and social care
  • Police
  • Teachers and teaching staff
  • Fire and rescue service
  • Ministry of Defence and GCHQ employees
  • Local government employees
  • Civil servants
  • Charitable organisations

If you work outside of the employment sectors listed above, you can still apply to buy new First Homes, provided that you meet the required national and local eligibility criteria, as outlined above.

For any other questions relating to First Homes please email us at [email protected]

First Homes privacy notice and data handling

Cheltenham Borough Council will use any written or verbal information provided by potential buyers to both improve the First Homes administration process and review the First Homes policy moving forwards. Data will be stored and used confidentially in line with the First Homes Privacy notice.