Sustainable bedding scheme

We have undertaken a review of all the annual bedding schemes in the town with a view of redesigning and planting them with a more sustainable perennial planting scheme. You can read the council decision and community engagement document for more information.

The sustainable bedding project includes several prominent sites, Imperial Gardens, Sandford Park, Oxford Garden and Priory Garden. Imperial Gardens and Sandford Park have received Heart of England in Bloom Park awards for achievements in horticulture, environmental responsibility and community participation. The new planting style and schemes will incorporate a wider variety of plants giving the gardens and public spaces a more diverse visual and sensory impact. The increase in plant species will help to support increased levels of ecological biodiversity – which is great for bees, animals and insects. The plants have a longer life cycle and greater tolerance to both climatic extremes and physical damage.

Imperial Gardens will focus on the beds around the Holst statue fountain and Skillicorne Garden. These improvements are planned for Spring 2022.

Sandford Park includes improvements to the raised bed planting in the Italian Garden and the annual bedding area around Unwin Fountain.

Sandford Park Unwin Fountain beds are the first site to be converted from annual bedding plants to a more sustainable perennial planting scheme. The planting area is being increased in all of the four segments to take over 40 different plant species with varying seasonal interest. The planting scheme has been developed by landscape architect and plant specialist Linda Thomas - view the design and plant list to be used. Planting will start on 15 April 2019. Project update - This planting scheme has been appreciated by many since it was planted in 2019. The green space team have had several phonecalls asking for the plant list that was used.

Sandford Park Italian Garden is situated just off the Bath Road. The beds in this garden will be improved in Spring 2020. Project update - This planting scheme was completed in Spring 2021

Oxford and Priory Gardens

The bed layouts are being reconfigured as part of this project to take into consideration the site conditions, usage and to create the best design. To create this blank canvas the current beds are being turfed over in April 2019 and the new planting scheme will be implemented in Spring 2020. Project update - Due to COVID the plant nurseries shut down and we couldn’t plant in the Spring. We were finally able to plant the new bed layout out in November 2020. The yews were planted in Spring 2021. Go out and explore the bees enjoying the nectar.