What happens next?

During the consultation period, a public notice must be put on display outside the premises for a period of no less than 21 consecutive days (from the date of the application). The public notice must be prominently displayed on a part of the premises where it can easily be seen and read by persons in the street or any adjoining public place. Large premises or buildings which are set back from the main thoroughfare may require more than one notice at our discretion.

In addition, a public notice must be published in the local newspaper no later than 7 days after the date of the application.  A copy of the notice, as was displayed in the newspaper, must be sent to the licensing section at the council.

We will consult with Gloucestershire Constabulary.

Having received all comments and public representations and taking into account the standard conditions, your application will be heard by this council's licensing committee. 


If your application is granted you will be informed in writing and issued with a licence to display inside the main entrance of the premises, with any special conditions attached (which are additional to our general conditions) that are deemed necessary by the officers or members of the licensing committee.