Dog issues and animal cruelty

Our neighbourhood team can investigate and proactively prevent dog related issues such as dog fouling, dogs not being kept on leads, general dog nuisance and dog on dog attacks.
There is a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) 2021 in Cheltenham which outlines dog owners responsibilities in relation to picking up after their dog, failing to produce a suitable receptacle to pick up after their dog, walking more than four dogs at a time or failing to control a dog (for example, being on a lead when required).
Report a problem
Animal cruelty information
You can find general information relating to dogs and the Animal Welfare Act on the Kennel Club website. If you are concerned about animal cruelty or an animal in distress please contact the RSPCA.
General guidance on reporting animal welfare issues can be viewed in 'Who is responsible for what in animal welfare?'.
XL bully dogs
The council has no service to determine if an animal is an XL bully or not and are not empowered to enforce the legislation regarding ownership without an exemption certificate. The matter is to be enforced by the police.
The enquiry email for the police is: [email protected]. They will review all information about XL bully type dogs and deal with them on a priority basis according to identified risk.
Anyone unsure if they have an XL bully after reviewing the information on the government website should still apply for an exemption and abide by the relevant requirements on XL bully dogs.