Tree preservation orders and trees in conservation areas

The tree preservation order (TPO) protects trees which make a significant contribution to the local environment. There are around 550 tree preservation orders in place in Cheltenham.
A TPO makes it an offence to cut down, top, lop, uproot, wilfully damage or destroy any protected tree without first having obtained permission from us.
All types of tree can be protected in this way, whether as single trees or as part of a woodland, copse or other grouping of trees. Protection does not however extend to hedges, bushes or shrubs.
- Before carrying out work on a tree covered by a TPO you must first apply for permission
- To check whether a tree is covered by a TPO please view our tree preservation order and conservation area map.
- The tree preservation legislation that came into force on 6 April 2012 affects all existing and new tree preservation order
TPOs are recorded in the Local Land Charges Register. For further information please email [email protected] or call to speak to one of our officers:
- Chris Chavasse on 07769 877059 (Monday to Friday)
- Sam Reader on 07385 469279 (Tuesday to Friday)
When purchasing a property, the official searches carried out by your solicitor should show if there is a TPO on the property or whether your property is in a conservation area where trees are automatically protected.
A TPO will not prevent planning permission being granted for development. However, we will take the presence of TPO trees into account when reaching our decision.
Trees in a conservation area
Trees in one of the seven conservation areas in Cheltenham (Central, St. Marks, Prestbury, Cudnall, Charlton Kings, Swindon Village and Bafford) are also given a level of protection. This means that before work can be carried out on trees (with trunk diameters of 75mm and above, measured at 1.5m from ground level) in these designated areas, a formal notification must be submitted to the trees officer. This will enable us to assess the tree's potential for a tree preservation order.
View our tree preservation order and conservation area map
For more information about carry out work on trees in a conservation area contact the trees section.