Older people

The 2011 census shows that demographics are changing, and suggests that there will be a 32.5% growth in 60-79 year olds by 2035 and a 93.8% increase in over 80 year olds. Cheltenham's population is predicted to increase by 10% over the next 20 years or so, with the majority of growth being in the over 60s age range.
Together with our partners, we are committed to supporting the positive participation of older people living in Cheltenham and helping them to stay independent for longer.
Useful links
Mears - The Safe at Home service can help older, disabled and vulnerable people to remain living independently in their homes. Advice and home visits are free.
Age UK Gloucestershire – Age UK has staff and volunteers which are trained to provide free, confidential and independent advice and information on a wide variety of issues.
101 Non Emergency Number – Reporting a crime or other concerns that does not require emergency response.
You’re Welcome - a community hub where you can share information and find out what’s happening in your area. You can find out about local groups and events, share resources and read stories from people like you.
Free home fire safety check - Do you have a working smoke alarm? Are you safe from fire? Do you know someone who may be at risk from fire?
GOPA – Gloucestershire’s Older Persons Association
Your Circle – Website designed to help you build your circle