Information and support for stockists
Ordering stock
Stock can be collected from one of our central distribution points on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10 am and 12 noon. Collect from either Cheltenham Borough Council’s Municipal Offices on the Promenade, or Reclaim furniture recycling project on Lansdown industrial estate.
Please complete a stock ordering slip and email to [email protected] ahead of your collection, or bring your completed form with you on the day. Don’t forget to bring a bag, box or similar to take your products away in.
Downloadable forms
You’ll receive a starter pack of the forms and leaflets you’ll need, but after that you can download and print paperwork using the links below.
Product information
Mooncups are available to distributors by agreement, depending on whether you're able to provide ongoing support to your clients while they adjust to this sustainable menstrual product. There are some helpful links below if you are approved as a Mooncup stockist.
Marketing information to download and print
What to do with donations
As a stockist, people might bring donations to you. If products are donated please send them to us at the municipal offices to be counted and entered into the system. This will enable us to keep track of how many people we are helping which is vital to the ongoing success of the project.