Information for coaches in Cheltenham

Royal Well bus station

The postcode for Royal Well is GL50 9SA.

During quieter periods, out of town visiting coaches may stay in bays 1 to 4 for longer periods on a first come, first served basis. D uring busy periods such as Cheltenham Festival raceweek and the Christmas market, please drop off and pick up in bays 1 to 4 and limit this to 15 minutes

Many thanks for your co-operation with these arrangements and we look forward to welcoming you to Cheltenham!

If you would like a ‘meet and greet’ service when you arrive, please contact Cheltenham BID on [email protected]. If possible, one of the friendly ambassadors will provide visitor information to your passengers so they can enjoy their time in Cheltenham.

Coach parking at Christmas

During the busy Christmas market period we ask drivers to use the bus station for drop off and pick up only and to take care not to block bus stops which are reserved for local scheduled bus services.

Further information is available on the Visit Cheltenham website.