Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) received in council car parks

penalty charge notice iconView, pay or challenge a penalty charge notice received in one of the council managed car parks

You can view, pay or challenge a penalty charge notice (PCN) online.

Alternatively you can write to us at: Parking Services, Cheltenham Borough Council, Municipal Offices, Promenade, Cheltenham, GL50 9SA

If your challenge is sent within 14 days of the PCN issue date, the 50% discount amount will remain while we consider your challenge. If your challenge is unsuccessful and the council upholds the PCN, you will be given the opportunity to pay the discounted rate during the period of 14 days from the date of our letter of reply.

If your challenge is sent between 15 and 28 days after the PCN issue date the full penalty charge will apply if the council upholds the PCN.

On-street parking fines

On-street parking fines are managed by Gloucestershire County Council.

How to pay your penalty charge notice

You can: