Swindon Village conservation area

Designated by Tewkesbury Borough Council on 11 November 1986. The area covers around 16 hectares.
Character summary
The village has a long history dating back to the 10th century. The Church of St Lawrence contains a Norman tower, dating back to around 1100AD. The area has a diverse mix of building types and styles including grand historic buildings dating from the 17th and 19th centuries.
The area has retained its unique character and appearance through the dominance of historically and architecturally important buildings and their historic settings. Large areas of open space and mature tree growth contribute significantly to the overall appearance and character of the area.
The Swindon Village conservation area character appraisal and management plan (SPD) provides a written assessment of the area's special interest and character. The appraisal outlines the special character that warrants its designation as a conservation area and the management plan provides a framework for future development control and enhancement of the area.
View a map of Swindon Village conservation area.