What happens to paper and card collected in Cheltenham


What paper items can you recycle in Cheltenham?Pile of magazines and newspapers

There are many paper items residents can put into their recycling box, ranging from old newspapers, envelopes and pamphlets, junk mail and flyers etc. In 2020/21, residents across Cheltenham recycled a huge amount of paper weighing in at approximately 2,639 tonnes. Please note brown paper should go in with your card.

Where does it go after collection?

Once picked up from the various places across Cheltenham by our partner Ubico, the paper is brought back to the Swindon Road transfer station, tipped out from each vehicle and collected until enough is ready to fill an articulated lorry. Between 26 and 28 tonnes of paper is loaded loose onto the vehicle and then bulk delivered.

Paper ejecting from recycling truck  Pile of paper ready for processing

Next destination

 All of our paper goes in bulk to Palm Paper mill in Norfolk where it enters the News and Pamphlet recycling process. The end product is used for recycled paper products and for the newspaper market.


What cardboard items can you recycle in Cheltenham?Someone putting cardobard into blue bag

In 2020/201, residents across Cheltenham recycled approximately 3,035 tonnes or card either using the blue bag at the kerbside or making use of the Swindon Road household recycling centre or one of many bring bank sites across the town. Recycling cardboard can include a range of card products like cereal boxes, egg boxes and many more items.

Where does it go after collection?

Once picked up from the various places across Cheltenham by our partner Ubico, the cardboard is brought back to the Swindon Road transfer station, tipped out from each vehicle and placed into a bay ready to be baled. When enough card is collected a forklift is used to push the card onto a conveyor belt. It moves along and begins the process of baling the card into bales that similar to the plastics is approximately 1 metre cubed. The baled card at the end is much heavier than plastic and an average bale of card can weigh about 500kg.

Card ejecting from recycling truck  Cardboard bales

Next destination

A haulier is used to transport card to destinations across Europe, such as Poland and The Netherlands. When the card arrives they will begin a process of pulping which breaks down the card allowing it to be further manufactured into recycled card for the food packaging industry.

As well as kerbside collections we also collect recycling at events such as the literature festival. Recycling at events is dealt in the same way, as if collected at the kerbside in Cheltenham.