Slim your bin

Slim your bin, help reduce the amount of waste you generate
Cheltenham residents have increased the amount they recycle, and our recycling rate is now over 50 per cent - a fantastic achievement!
But we want to go one step further and prevent that stuff ever being thrown away in the first place. So with the support of Cheltenham residents let's start reducing how much we throw away in terms of rubbish, recycling and food. Creating less waste saves money for your household and local council and helps to protect the environment too.
The message of the 'Slim your bin' campaign is simple:
- recycling your waste is good - if you need to bin it, can it be recycled?
- but reusing is better - do you need to throw it away, or can it be used for something else?
- and reducing your waste is best - could you avoid buying it in the first place?
For more information download our handy slim your bin leaflet.
Food Waste
Please use your food waste caddy or learn to 'shop smarter'
Buy only the food you need - make a list and stick to it
Use up all your leftovers - correct storage will make it last longer
Recycle the food that you can't eat - e.g. egg shells, fruit peeling
For tasty recipes using leftover food visit the Love Food Hate Waste website.
Plastic tubs, pot, trays and bottles (with lids on)
These can be recycled in your green kerbside recycling box or reduce and reuse
- Reduce the number of drinks bottles you use. Consider buying a reusable drinks container and refilling with your favourite beverages
- Reuse your tubs, and pots to store leftovers in the refrigerator or freezer
- Reuse plastic trays for growing seeds
- Wash and squash and pop them in your kerbside recycling
Garden Waste
This can be recycled at the kerbside by subscribing to our garden waste service or added to your home compost bin.
Cardboard Boxes (flattened)
These can be recycled in your blue kerbside recycling bag or reduce and reuse
- Try to choose products with less packaging
- Torn up cardboard, egg boxes and tubes can all be home composted
- Flatten and tear your cardboard to fit inside your blue bag at the kerbside
These can be recycled in your green kerbside recycling box or reused
- If still in good usable condition, donate to a charity shop for reuse
- Hold a fun 'Swishing party' swapping clothes with friends (subject to COVID guidance)
- All clean bagged textiles, clothing, shoes, belts and bags can be taken to the recycling banks and the Household Recycling Centre (HRC)
- Put them into a small tied bag and pop them in your green kerbside recycling box
Small Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
These can be recycled in your green kerbside recycling box or reused
- Donate safe unwanted items to a charity shop or list for reuse
- Check if broken items can be repaired, these can be taken to your local Reclaim who hold regular repair clinics
- Put them into a small tied bag and pop them in your green kerbside recycling box
Newspapers & Magazines
These can be recycled in your green kerbside recycling box or reused
- Share with friends or use for arts and crafts e.g. collage or paper mache
- Create less waste by viewing online
- Clean dry paper can be placed in your green kerbside recycling box under your glass
Junk Mail
These can be recycled in your green kerbside recycling box
- Reduce addressed junk mail by registering for the Mail Preferences Service (MPS)
- For unaddressed mail, try displaying a 'no junk mail' notice by your letter box
- Pop then in your green kerbside recycling box under the glass, please remember to remove all personal information
These can be recycled in your green kerbside recycling box
- Return to a shop or supermarket with in-store recycling facilities
- Why not try rechargeable batteries
- Put them in a tied bag and pop them in your green kerbside recycling box
Other handy tips
- Plastic bags - Reuse 'bags for life' or cloth bags, Plastic bags can be recycled at many supermarkets
- Polystyrene - Choose products with recyclable packaging where possible - or reuse as packing material
- Disposable nappies - Choose reusable cloth nappies and reduce your nappy bill by £600 per baby. For further details about real nappies and how to save £30 from the cost of purchasing them visit:
- Shredded paper - small amounts can be added to your compost bin
- Avoid buying disposable items
- Choose products with less packaging
- Home composting your food waste
Ask the waste wizard where to repair, recycle, donate, or dispose of your items