Green household refuse bin

Image of a green household refuse bin

The green bin is for non-recyclable waste only. Your green refuse bin will be emptied every fortnight, alternating with your green recycling box collections.

Collection days

Find out when your bin collection day is.

We will collect your green refuse bin together with your food caddy one week and your recycling box and food caddy on the same day the following week.

When there is a bank holiday in the week, refuse is normally collected one day later. Separate arrangements are made for the Christmas/New Year period. Check our bank holiday collections page for details.

Bin sticker informing of too much wasteTo make sure your waste is collected:

  • Please make sure all rubbish is placed inside the bin with the lid fully closed
  • Please put your bin at the kerbside by 7am on your collection day
  • We cannot collect bins that are left on private property unless it is agreed as part of an assisted collection
  • Bags of waste left by the side of bins will not be collected

Refuse bins and recycling boxes remain the property of Cheltenham Borough Council. Only refuse, recycling and food waste should be put in our bins and boxes. If you put anything else, such as personal items, in these boxes and bins you do so at your own risk. These items, including home deliveries, may be thrown away by mistake and we cannot accept any liability for this. 

Please do not put any of the following materials into your green bin:

  • stones, gravel, rubble, builders' waste
  • garden waste, soil
  • clinical waste including sharp objects, needles
  • hazardous waste, including oils and chemicals
  • DIY materials, such as construction waste, tiles, paint tins
  • Household fixtures and fittings including pieces of carpet/underlay larger than a standard front door mat
  • electrical goods
  • waste generated from businesses

Ask the waste wizard where to repair, recycle, donate, or dispose of your items

Slim your bin

The message of the 'Slim your bin' campaign is simple:

  • recycling your waste is good - if you need to bin it, can it be recycled?
  • but reusing is better - do you need to throw it away, or can it be used for something else?
  • and reducing your waste is best - could you avoid buying it in the first place?

Find out some of the ways you can slim your rubbish bin.

Lost or stolen bins

You can contact customer services to purchase a replacement domestic green bin. Ubico will aim to deliver the bin as soon as possible, but it could take up to 30 days. If you have not received you bin after four weeks please contact customer services by emailing [email protected] or call 01242 262626.

Additional bins

You cannot purchase additional wheeled bins. Please use all recycling facilities available to you.

Householders' duty of care

All householders in England have a legal responsibility to ensure that all of their waste is disposed of properly. Under the Duty of Care regulations, all householders need to ensure that their refuse is passed to authorised carriers only. Householders not taking reasonable measures to do so could face fines of up to £5,000.

If you are using the council to take away all your refuse, then there is nothing more you need to do. If you are using a builder, gardener or house clearer to take away building, garden or household waste, you must ensure they possess an authorised waste carrier's number. If in doubt, you can check their details with the Environment Agency by calling 08708 506506.


If you have any questions about the service, have a look at our list of FAQs, or contact customer services.