Our planning policies are put in place so we can ensure development benefits the borough both now and over the long term.
The local development documents of Cheltenham take into account social, economic and environmental factors such as housing, employment and health and do not purely focus on the regulation and control of land.
Emerging Plan
Cheltenham Borough Council, Gloucester City Council and Tewkesbury Borough Council are now producing a Strategic and Local Plan (SLP).
The SLP will provide an overarching planning strategy, shared policies covering all three councils, and local policies covering matters of local importance.
Further information, including details of the timetable, how to get involved and sign up for notifications, is available on the SLP website.
Current planning policy
Adopted policies form the basis for decision making on all relevant planning matters including planning applications.
The Joint Core Strategy (JCS) forms the top tier of the development plan for Cheltenham borough.
The Cheltenham Plan is specific to Cheltenham and is used together with the JCS to guide decisions on relevant planning matters.
Additional policy
Neighbourhood development plans must be in line with the JCS and national planning policy, all of which must be based on robust supporting evidence.
Contact the planning policy team
- [email protected]
- 01242 264328
- Municipal Offices, Promenade, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 9SA
Additional information
- Cheltenham Plan examination
- Community infrastructure levy (CIL)
- Local development framework evidence base
- Local plan - local public inquiry 2004
- Local Plan Second Review 2006
- Neighbourhood plans
- Self-build and custom house building register statistics
- Statement of Community Involvement
- Supplementary planning documents
- Supplementary planning guidance
- The Cheltenham Plan
- Urban Design informal guidance notes