Our planning enforcement team deals with breaches of planning control. A breach of planning control happens if you carry out development without the required planning permission, or you fail to carry out a development in line with the approved plans and in compliance with conditions. The team also deals with works to listed buildings, buildings and land in poor condition and unauthorised advertisements.
Guide to planning enforcement
Our Planning enforcement guide explains how planning enforcement will be carried out, how planning permissions will be monitored, and how alleged breaches of planning control will be investigated.
Commencement of development
It is your responsibility to comply with the planning permission and conditions, but our enforcement and compliance officers can help by providing advice.
We encourage applicants to send us the commencement of planning permission notice provided with all permissions to tell us when they intend to begin work.
Contact the planning enforcement team
- [email protected]
- 01242 264328
- Planning Enforcement, Municipal Offices, Promenade, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 9SA