Confirmation of permitted development

A CLPUD (Certificate of lawful proposed use or development) application is a way of getting written confirmation that your proposed works fall within permitted development and do not need formal planning permission. This confirms that planning permission is not necessary for your proposal and proves very helpful should you come to sell your property or premises.

Before submitting an application, please check whether your proposal falls within the permitted development criteria by visiting The Planning Portal.

To make an application you will need to submit the following documents/information:

  1. Completed application form
  2. Fee
  3. Site location plan
  4. Proposed block plan
  5. Existing and proposed floor plans and elevations

Submit an application

You can complete an online application via the Planning Portal. Alternatively you can download an application form and email to or post to Planning, Municipal Offices, Promenade, Cheltenham, GL50 9SA.


The fee for a CLPUD application is half of the relevant planning application fee. Please visit our payment page to pay online - select ‘Planning application fees’.


A site location plan is an Ordnance Survey map at 1:1250 scale, this should identify the application site by having a red line drawn around the site boundary.

If required, a proposed block plan is an Ordnance Survey map usually at a scale of 1:500 or 1:200 and should clearly identify the proposed development. For example this can include the outline of an extension, an area of hardstanding or position of a dropped kerb.

If required, existing and proposed plans should be drawn to a recognised scale, usually either 1:50 or 1:100. This should clearly show the proposed development. Plans should be annotated to identify existing and proposed materials.