Garden information

Jenner Gardens opened to the public on Tuesday 30 June 2009. The opening ceremony was performed by the Mayor, Councillor Lloyd Surgenor.
Jenner Gardens is the graveyard of Cheltenham Chapel, situated off the Lower High Street. Grants awarded to The Friends of Jenner Gardens have made possible the regeneration of the graveyard as a garden in honour of Edward Jenner, the pioneer of vaccination. Sponsors include: Gloucestershire Environmental Trust, BBC Breathing Places and The Summerfield Trust. The sponsors were very pleased with the outcome, commenting that the project had made a great improvement to the area.
Approximately thirty people attended the opening ceremony, including representatives from the Civic Society, Local History Society, the Jenner Museum in Berkeley and the police.
Guests lingered in the gardens to admire the colourful planting scheme of wildflowers, lavender and roses, before moving on to Cheltenham Spa Bowls Club, where the Friends of Jenner Gardens had arranged for tea and coffee to be served.
There are also spaces available for sponsored seats. If you would like to sponsor a seat or please contact us.