Western side (lower lake)

view between trees of Pittville lake

The landscape on the western side of the park is more natural, with small wooded areas and areas of spring flora which were planted in spring 2012. Species include native primroses, wild garlic and cowslips.  There is a large lake which is a major feature of the west side with a small waterfall at the far end where the Wyman's Brook flows out of the lake. Natural play equipment nestles under the trees and a path allows you to walk around the lake enjoying the wildlife which can be found in the park.


The western side of the park has a range of facilities including:

In 2012 a new footbridge was opened by the mayor. The bridge was built using designs from children from Dunnalley school, who created images of favourite things to do in the park. These images were incorporated into the sides of the bridge.

Flora and fauna

Wildlife which has been recorded on the west side of the park includes:

  • kingfishers
  • tree creepers
    greater spotted woodpecker
  • jays
  • greater crested grebes
  • mallards
  • breeding pair of swans (which in 2012 had 7 cygnets)

During spring 2012 the ranger team worked with the Friends of Pittville to plant 300 native trees to celebrate the Diamond Jubliee of Queen Elizabeth II as part of the Woodland Trust Jubilee Project.

We would like to gather more information about the wildlife that visits our parks and open spaces and we are linked with the Gloucestershire Environmental Records Centre. You can visit their website to record any sighting of wildlife which you have seen during your visit.

For more information please contact us.