Friends of Montpellier Bandstand and Gardens (FOMBAG)

The Friends of Montpellier Bandstand and Gardens were established in 1994 following the restoration, initiated by the Civic Society, of the then 138 year old bandstand - one of the oldest, if not the oldest in the country! Since then, the Friends have played a significant role in the development of the gardens' restoration management plan and contributed many volunteer hours.
The Friends liaise with the borough council to enhance and preserve Montpellier Gardens for all to use and enjoy. The Friends also support the use of the bandstand and the Bands in the Park programme throughout the summer months.
Becoming a Friend of the park is very simple and open to all ages. Annual membership is £5 and you can get a membership slip through the Honorary Secretary. You can also get a slip from the Cafe or the Art Gallery in Montpellier Gardens.
The Friends hold an Annual General Meeting, usually in March, and members receive newsletters to bring them up to date with activities in the gardens and are invited to attend an annual members evening, which is usually held in November.
There is a small executive committee comprising Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Ordinary Members. The committee meet quarterly and discussions are held in a relaxed and social environment. From time to time, vacancies arise and the Friends are happy to welcome nominees to the committee.
For more details about the Friends of Montpellier Bandstand and Gardens, please email [email protected] or contact the honorary secretary on 01242 693 477.
You can also find them on Facebook.