Apprentice or youth trainee

You may be able to get a discount on your council tax bill if someone living in your home is an apprentice or youth trainee.

Who can apply

To qualify as an apprentice you must be:

  • employed to learn a trade, business, profession, office role or vocation
  • on a recognised course of training leading to an accredited qualification
  • paid no more than £195 per week gross

To qualify as a youth trainee you must be:

  • under 25 years old
  • taking a relevant course under an individual training plan

We will need a completed application form and to see evidence of your training plan.

Amount of discount

We may offer:

  • 25% discount if you live with another adult
  • 50% discount if you live alone

How to apply

We will need a completed application form and to see copies of the apprenticeship agreement along with the apprentice's last 3 consecutive wage slips.
If you wish to apply please contact us