Care leaver discount

The council provides a local discount for care leavers to reduce their council tax bill until they reach their 25th birthday.  To qualify for this discount the care leaver must be the liable person on the council tax bill.

If you are an eligible care leaver you still need to apply for any other reduction you may be entitled to such as::

  • student discount or exemption
  • single person discount
  • council tax support scheme

We will automatically award a top-up discount until the care leavers 25th birthday only when we have received confirmation from the relevant authority.  

If the care leaver is a former relevant child in the care of Gloucestershire County Council, then we will need to receive confirmation from Gloucestershire County Council’s 11-25 permanency service.

If the care leaver is a former relevant child in the care of a local authority other than Gloucestershire they will be required to provide confirmation from the relevant authority.

This discount only applies to care leavers who are named on the council tax bill.