Evaluation and contract award


Each tender submission received by the closing time for receipt, will be assessed against a pre-notified set of criteria and scored accordingly.  Evaluation will focus on examining how the tender proposals will deliver the service (quality) and the cost of the service (price).

The balance between quality and price will be dependent upon the particular service/supply required.  Suppliers will be notified via email whether they have been successful or not.

Where possible contracts will be awarded using the MEAT criteria (Most Economically Advantageous Tender).

Financial checks will be carried out on all shortlisted suppliers.


In some instances the traditional tender process will be followed by an electronic reverse auction where tenderers bid against each other to supply the goods/services at the lowest price.

Contract award

The successful supplier will be notified via email of their contract award. The contract will however not commence until the legal terms and conditions have been signed by both parties.

For an EU procurement contract there is a mandatory 10-day standstill period (Alcatel).


Unsuccessful suppliers will be entitled to a debrief, if requested, after the contract has been accepted by the winning supplier.