The council's social value policy

The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 requires public sector organisations who commission and procure services to think about how they can secure wider social, economic and environmental benefits.
Cheltenham Borough Council has adopted a social value policy that in the first instance, sets out how we will maximise social, economic and environmental benefits from our procurement activities to help us deliver our corporate priorities and our recovery plan.
But the intention is that our social value policy will also provide a framework for how we use our processes, resources and influence to support our communities; and work with them to help build their resilience and to tackle inequalities and disadvantage.
Our social value policy does the following:
- Defines what we mean by social value;
- Sets out what our social value priorities are (including our priority communities) and provide examples of the support we are looking for;
- Explains how we will deliver social value.
You can read about our social value policy here
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