Trade refuse and recycling service

Trade (or commercial) refuse is the waste generated by any business organisation, including colleges, schools, shops, nursing homes and hospitals. Under current environmental law, all businesses must ensure that their waste is stored securely, preventing waste escaping, and that it is collected and disposed of by a licensed waste management organisation.
Cheltenham Borough Council offers a fast, flexible and customer focused collection service, that can be tailored to individual needs. We aim to provide a reliable service at a competitive price and our services comply with all legislative requirements. We also provide recycling of paper and cardboard in the town centre and a glass recycling service borough wide.
Please note that trade waste is not accepted at the recycling centre.
Wheeled bin collection service
We offer a range of sizes of durable wheeled containers. Charges for wheeled containers are calculated on the size and quantity of bins, and the number of collections required per week. We operate the collection service 7 days a week.
We can tailor the collections to suit individual businesses and also provide a variety of discounts so it would be advisable to contact the team for a quote.
We will be pleased to visit your business at no cost to discuss your waste collection needs.
Trade waste and recycling bags and labels
Our bag or label collection service is ideal for smaller businesses.
Blue trade waste bags or labels can only be used in the town centre and can be purchased in rolls of 25. If your business is located outside of the town centre you can purchase orange trade waste bags. Town centre collections of blue trade waste bags/labels are made on a Tuesday and Friday. Orange bags are collected on the same day as the domestic refuse collection for that particular street.
Clear trade waste bags for recycling paper, and labels for cardboard recycling can also be used in the town centre. These are supplied as either a roll of 25 bags or a book of 25 labels. Paper and card recycling collections are on Tuesday and Friday.
You can view a list of roads that are classed as in the town centre for the blue bag/label scheme and the clear bag paper and cardboard label recycling scheme. Any businesses located on a road not listed here are required to purchase orange bags and should contact us to discuss the recycling options available.
Bags may only be filled with general commercial waste. Hazardous and special waste cannot be collected.
Purchase bags and labels
To purchase bags and/or labels please use our online Trade Refuse payment pages where you will be able to buy a variety of items including the option to have the items delivered to your Cheltenham premises. There is a charge for delivery and if it's required please remember to add the delivery option to your order. If you need assistance in placing your order, please contact customer services on 01242 262626.
The person collecting or receiving the items will be required to sign a duty of care controlled waste transfer notice and will receive a copy. Please note that there is a legal requirement to retain the document for 2 years.
Deliveries will be made within 5 working days.
Once payment has been made, the bags or labels can be collected from the goods inwards and collections point at the rear of the Municipal Offices, alongside the marked loading bay. Collections can be made between 9am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday (10am to 4.30pm Wednesday). Please provide a copy of the purchase receipt when collecting the items.
Note on VAT (value-added tax)
The collection of commercial waste, when carried out by a local authority, is now outside the scope of VAT. VAT on delivery will be charged at the current rate.