Statement of accounts

Welcome to Cheltenham Borough Council's statement of accounts page.

Notice of appointment of auditor

By law we must publish a notice when we appoint an auditor.  

The Public Sector Audit Appointments Board is responsible for appointing an auditor for local government.

On 16 December 2022 they appointed Bishops Fleming LLP as external auditor of Cheltenham Borough Council for the five years from 2023/24 to 2027/28.

This appointment is made under Regulation 13 of the The Local Audit (Appointing Person) Regulations 2015

Public Inspection Notice for the draft statement of accounts for 2023/24

The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 states that we must give notice that our draft statement of accounts 2023-24 has been completed and that the statements are available for inspection.

Draft statement of accounts for 2023/24

Previous years' statements of accounts

Your rights to inspect, query and express your views on the council's accounts are detailed in the document the council's accounts - your rights.

Annual audit and inspection letter

Visit the annual audit and inspection letter page for more information.

Annual governance report