Comprehensive Spending Review 2007 (CSR07)

The Government is undertook a major review of spending in 2007 called the comprehensive spending review or CSR07 which will determined spending plans for the period 2008/09 to 2010/11. This review moved funding towards Government priorities and resulted in a reduction in funding to local authorities. The grant support to local authorities increased by 1% in 2007/08 over 2006/07 levels and will increase by only 05.% or £44,000 over the next 2 years. Over the past decade, whilst education and health have received record levels of 60-90%, government support for other local authority services has only increased by 14% in real terms over the same period. Despite this, local authorities have led the public sector in delivering efficiency savings but have struggled to fund the new demands and burdens from Government e.g. increased waste recycling rates and free bus travel for over 60's.

The Local Government Association, which represents local authorities, has assessed the increase in government funding required in order to deliver the agenda for local government, assuming an annual increase in council tax of 3.6% for the next 3 years, to be 8.9% in 2008/09, 6% in 2009/10 and 5.9% in 2010/11. Any additional support under these figures will undoubtedly put significant pressure on local government to deliver services.