Notice of appointment of agents

Election of Member of Parliament to Cheltenham constituency on Thursday 4 July 2024.

Notice is hereby given that the following candidates have appointed or are deemed to have appointed the person named as election agent for the election of Member of Parliament for the above constituency.

Details of agents

Name of candidate

Name and address of agent

Alexander John Gervase Chalk
(Known as Alex Chalk)

Charles Thomas

Gloucestershire Conservatives
Unit P2
Innsworth Technology Park
Innsworth Lane

Lara Soraya Chaplin
(Known as Lara Chaplin)

John Malcolm Bride

Dodo Works
7 Ambrose Street
GL50 3HL

David Ian Charles McDonald
(Known as Daud McDonald)
41 St Pauls Road
GL50 4ES

David Ian Charles McDonald

Candidate acting as their own agent

Maximilian Peter McGregor Wilkinson
(Known as Max Wilkinson)

Stephen Andrew Jordan

16 Hewlett Road
GL52 6AA

Daniel Wilson

Maxine Godfrey

9 Clarence Square
GL50 4JN

Dated: Friday, 07 June 2024

Cheltenham Borough Council
Municipal Offices
GL50 9SA

Paul Jones
Acting returning officer

Published by the acting returning officer, Cheltenham Borough Council, Municipal Offices, Promenade, Cheltenham, GL50 9SA