Deputy chief executive (Section 151 officer).

Paul Jones, executive director of finance and assets

Paul Jones is the council’s deputy chief executive and is the council’s statutory section 151 officer. Paul is a CIPFA Fellow, who started his local government career here at Cheltenham Borough Council in 1991.

Paul fulfils the roles of electoral registration officer and local returning office. In addition, Paul is a local authority appointed governor for two Cheltenham primary schools.  

Paul's responsibilities

Paul is responsible for:

  • Leading the development of a medium-term financial strategy and the annual budgeting process to ensure financial balance and a monitoring process to ensure its delivery
  • Promotion of financial management, value for money and the safeguarding of public money and assets
  • Provision of professional financial advice, guidance and support to key strategic projects
  • Compliance with the statutory requirements for internal audit which is provided by the South West Audit Partnership (SWAP)
  • Contributing to financial sustainability through ensuring a dynamic corporate asset management plan, aligned to the objectives of the council, and in particular securing increased income generation, supporting the transition of services to local communities, maximising capital receipts, and stimulating growth and investment in the borough
  • Commercial and income services
  • Regeneration and major development
  • Building control
  • Revenues and benefits
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Car parking
  • Bereavement services
  • Elections

Contact details

You can find Paul on LinkedIn.