Local Green Space

A Local Green Space (LGS) designation is a way to protect green areas from development. 
LGS should only be designated when a plan is prepared or updated. We are currently working with Gloucester City Council and Tewkesbury Borough Council on a new development plan called the Strategic and Local Plan (SLP). Therefore, we are currently receiving site applications. For more information on timescales please visit the Local Development Scheme page.  
Any decision on LGS designations will only be confirmed once the plan-making process has been finalised. This will include consideration of any LGS designations through the independent examination process, which will be overseen by the Planning Inspectorate. 

Local Green Space application form

The Local Green Space application form is for the community to request that a site should be designated as Local Green Space (LGS). 

There are 12 sections in this form, starting with information about the site and then asking for details about any relevant criteria. This includes why should the site be designated as a LGS (planning history, size, need, proximity, why it is special to the community, beauty, historic significance, recreational value, richness of wildlife, any other reasons), and the evidence supporting it. 

You can use previous submissions as examples to prepare your application.
If you need more information, please consult the National Planning Policy Framework and the Planning Practice Guidance, or contact the Planning Policy Team at [email protected]