S106 planning obligations in Cheltenham
In Cheltenham, planning obligations (usually as Section 106 Agreements) are used for a wide variety of purposes, including:
- works to provide safe access to a site, to accommodate safely local increases in traffic due to the development, and to discourage the additional traffic from using unsuitable local roads;
- works within a transport sector to encourage travellers to and from a development to change to a more sustainable means of transport, including park and ride;
- works, services or incentives to secure improved accessibility to and from a site by all forms of transport, including public transport, cycling and walking;
- flood defence and mitigation works;
- an element of affordable or special needs housing;
- the provision or enhancement of play space which cannot be accommodated on-site;
- education facilities at nursery, primary and secondary levels;
- community facilities;
- measures to provide for public safety and security;
- a contribution to skills analysis and training provision;
- facilities or measures to offset the loss of or impact on any resource, such as woodland or open space, present on a site prior to development;
- works to adjacent areas of public realm, including tree planting;
- public art.