Public art trail project

Following a call for content creators, photographers and/or designers, the Public Art Panel (PAP) content creation commission for the public art trail has been awarded to Cheltenham-based Tess Beck (researcher), Suzanne Barrett (illustrator) and Jess Williams (photographer and graphic designer).
This new team of creators are now reaching out to Cheltenham's community groups to gather personal stories and local legends to complement Cheltenham's public art installations. Public art is any art in the public realm such as: parks, streets, shopping centres or on the outside of buildings.
The PAP has supported the delivery of many public art installations in the town over a number of years. Using £10,000 council S106 funds, PAP want to gather as many historical facts and tales to accompany over 50 town-wide public art installations.
To share any information or stories you may have, please visit the public art trail consultation.
When complete, the digital format of the public art trail will be hosted on Visit Cheltenham for all residents and visitors to enjoy.