Future of the household recycling centre (HRC) - Frequently asked questions

Background and general information

Why are we looking at a prolonged closure?

We are currently looking at options for the future of the household recycling centre (HRC) on Swindon Road. The HRC offers a discretionary service and the review – which went to Cabinet on 26 November 2024 – takes into account changing regulatory requirements from the Environment Agency and associated costs, alongside customer numbers and the enhanced collection services now offered at kerbside.

It’s right that we review our waste and recycling services to ensure the best possible value for the tax payer. We understand how valued waste and recycling services are to our residents.

Read the full cabinet report and watch the short film on the future of the recycling centre.

What type of work needs to happen on site?

At the moment the site is fully compliant. However, it won’t be compliant when the regulations change, in the near future. The regulatory changes required at the site, include significant groundworks and the introduction of a new concrete pad. Works to bring the site up to standard are set to cost £1million and without a new permit, the Environment Agency will not allow the site to continue to operate.

The prolonged closure would allow time for a thorough and considered review about the future of the site in line with new regulations, best value for the tax payer, changing needs of residents and improvements to kerbside recycling.

What does a ‘prolonged’ closure mean?

There is a lot of work to do, to understand what it required on the site, how this could be funded and the role of partner organisations such as the county council. The council expects the HRC to be closed for a long period of time. A commitment has been made in the Cabinet report for further options to be considered by Members following public consultation by June/July 2025 at the latest. Depending on the decision made at that time, if works to re-open the site are progressed, we estimate at least a further six months would be needed to commission and deliver the necessary construction works on the site to be compliant with the environment regulations. If this approach were taken this would result in a closure of approximately 12 months.

Why now?

A prolonged closure enables us to undertake a wide ranging review of the future of our waste and recycling services, taking into account changing regulation and best value for the tax payer. It enables us to consider the long term requirements from a waste site and HRC provision.

Why is there still activity happening at the depot?

Whilst we review the site to ensure best value to the tax payer, the main depot site will remain open and a working site. However, the gates will be shut to the public to bring their household recycling to the household recycling centre – this part of the site will be closed.

Does the council not have to provide a household recycling centre?

Gloucestershire County Council, as the waste disposal authority, is required to make adequate provision for household recycling centres in the county and our nearest is Wingmoor Farm. The Swindon Road household recycling centre is a discretionary service wholly funded by Cheltenham.

Cheltenham Borough Council is responsible for the funding and provision of environmental services (waste, recycling, street cleansing, grounds maintenance) across the borough. Operational delivery of this is the responsibility of Ubico Ltd, a ‘teckal’ company owned by a number of local authorities including Cheltenham, monitored by council officers. This includes the operation of the household recycling centre in Swindon Road.

Why wasn’t there a public consultation?

The budget report and budget consultation - which will go live in December 2024 and close in January 2025 - will include the prolonged closure of the HRC. Further public consultation will be included within the planned residents’ survey in 2025.

Can I still book a slot up to the date of closure of the household recycling centre?

Subject to availability, you will be able to book a slot at the Swindon Road household recycling centre until closure. The last bookable slot will be at 2.30pm on 10 January 2025.

Why does the site have to close on 10 January 2025 and not any later?

The council has been advised that to comply with the proposed new environment regulations the council has to invest around £1million in the HRC. Due to the nature of the works that would be required, if the council instructed the works to be completed, the site would have to close for a long period anyway to enable the construction to take place. If a decision to move depot operations away from Swindon Road is made in the next financial year, it does not make sense to spend significant sums of money upgrading the site only to then re-locate. The prolonged closure allows officers and members enough time to review options for the site and make recommendations for the future following public consultation.

By closing on 10 January, we can properly test the rest of the system in the real-world before the new budget year. We can analyse how many extra collections are needed at bring banks, how much more capacity is used at kerbside and if there is an impact on other things, such as fly-tipping, before a final decision is made.

Gloucestershire County Council can also see if Wingmoor Farm can cope with the additional demand, to help inform any decision they may have regarding the future of the HRC in Swindon Road.

We can also use the existing HRC space for additional waste collection vehicle parking in the meantime, reducing the strain on the rest of the depot site.

 As the site would be facing this closure to complete construction works even if we were to remain open in the long term, the council is trying to take a pragmatic approach and make the best use of taxpayer money, so 10 January is being proposed as the date from which the site closes.

Why will it cost £1million to carry out the necessary works to the HRC for it to stay open?

The Environment Agency have tightened up their requirements for waste sites and new regulations are expected to come into force during 2025 which will require significant works to the floor of the HRC estimated at around £639,000 (a new concrete floor with appropriate kerbing etc. to control runoff water in the event of a fire on the site); a new permit application is estimated to cost around £20,000 with appropriate specialist advice, and another £330,000 is estimated to fund new covered storage areas, moving the site around to fit in the new permit boundary, totalling approximately £1million.

Won’t people just fly-tip?

Anyone fly-tipping waste is committing a serious offence. If you are found to have committed a fly-tipping offence, then you may be subject to a fixed penalty notice of £1000 with an early payment option of £450 if paid within 10 days of issue. In some cases, we may consider prosecuting offenders which can lead to a £50,000 fine or up to 12 months' imprisonment.

How can I report fly-tipping?

You can report an incident of fly-tipping on our website or by contacting us on 01242 262626.

What are the alternatives?

Where can I take my waste and recycling?

There are several bring bank sites across the town that allow you to recycle your items. You can find a list of bring bank site locations and what can be recycled at each location on our website.

If the banks are full, please do not leave any waste around them as this is fly tipping and could cause you a fine, instead we ask that you use one of the other sites available or alternatively use the kerbside collection service where possible. Additional resources are being put in place to ensure bring bank sites are able to deal with any additional recycling to avoid the risk of them becoming full, this includes additional resources and the introduction of some Saturday collections.

Use the Waste Wizard

You can use our waste wizard search to find out alternative ways you can repair, reuse, recycle or dispose of your household items.

Can I order extra waste and recycling containers?

You can use our online form to order additional recycling boxes, blue cardboard bags and food caddies – a small delivery charge applies and this has been reduced to £4.99 for up to three items and £9.98 for up to six items. For those residents in receipt of some benefits the delivery charge is reduced to £2.99 for up to three items and £5.98 for up to six items from 1 January 2025.  

I have just loaded my car full of items to take to the recycling centre – what shall I do with it?

You can visit a bring bank site, depending on the materials you have, or book to visit Wingmoor Farm household recycling centre.

Wingmoor Farm household recycling centre is half a mile west of Bishop's Cleeve on the road to Stoke Orchard, Bishop's Cleeve, Nr Cheltenham, GL52 7RS. 

Booking is required and can be done online via the Gloucestershire Recycles booking system.

Will Wingmoor Farm cope with extra waste and recycling?

We have been reassured by Gloucestershire County Council that Wingmoor Farm household recycling centre will be able to handle the additional capacity caused by the closure of Swindon Road household recycling centre.

Booking is required and can be done online via the Gloucestershire Recycles booking system.

Wingmoor Farm household recycling centre is half a mile west of Bishop's Cleeve on the road to Stoke Orchard, Bishop's Cleeve, Nr Cheltenham, GL52 7RS. 

What if I can’t get to Wingmoor Farm?

The bulky household waste collection service is a chargeable service for when you have household items that will not fit into your bin. This includes items such as three piece suites, washing machines, fridges and freezers as well as many other household items.

What can/can’t I take to Wingmoor Farm household recycling centre?

Details of what you can and can’t take to Wingmoor Farm HRC are available on the Gloucestershire Recycles website. Wingmoor Farm accept a much wider range of waste and recycling materials than Swindon Road.

Where can I find my collection dates and more information?

You can find your waste and recycling collection dates on our website. Keep up to date with the latest updates by following us on social media – Facebook, X, NextDoor, Instagram.

We are excited about plans to launch a ‘Litter Lotto’ mobile app which is coming very soon. We expect to launch this on 5 February 2025.

What can I do with my garden waste?

We offer a chargeable, opt in, fortnightly brown bin garden waste collection service. This is an easy way of disposing your garden waste through kerbside collections.

Alternatively, you can take your garden waste to Wingmoor Farm recycling centre.

What if I have large items to dispose of?

The bulky household waste collection service is a chargeable service for when you have household items that will not fit into your bin. This includes items such as three piece suites, washing machines, fridges and freezers as well as many other household items.