Homes for Ukraine
Why we collect information about you
Cheltenham Borough Council will receive information about you in respect of your Homes for Ukraine visa sponsorship scheme application that you have submitted to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC). This is so that we can process your Homes for Ukraine application and undertake the checks necessary to determine whether your application may proceed.
Sponsors who don’t have anyone currently to house, can choose to go on a list held by Cheltenham Borough Homes Limited and they may be matched with guests at a later date.
We process the personal data under the public task processing condition.
What information do we collect about you?
Individual sponsors
We collect your name, address, contact details (including email), and details about your property. We may also need to collect and use personal data about others, such as your household members or others living in your property, or someone you have nominated to be a sponsor.
Individual Guests
"Guest" or "guests" refers to an individual or household previously resident in Ukraine, before 1 January 2022, who have secured a visa under the Homes for Ukraine scheme, which enables them to be housed by a sponsor.
We collect your name, address, contact details (including email) and dates of birth. We will also collect and use personal data about your household members or others living in your property.
- Visa / passport information
- Family members information, including any children
- Disability and health information
- Ethnicity
- Information relating to any safeguarding concerns
- Religion
Organisations and non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
We collect your title, name, work email address, other contact details (including address), and details about offers of accommodation that you submit. If you may need to provide personal data about others relating to your offer, we will process this as well.
Who do we share the information with?
So that we may process your Homes for Ukraine application or to assist with any re-matching, your information may be shared with:
- Cheltenham Borough Homes Limited
- Other public bodies e.g. Gloucestershire County Council, Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service, Gloucestershire Constabulary .
- Elected members & MPs (as your representative)
- Other departments within the authority e.g. Private Sector Housing, Revenues and Benefits, Community Wellbeing.
- Gloucestershire Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (GARAS)
Is any information transferred to or stored on servers based outside of the UK or European Economic Area
Information is stored in the UK only.
How long do we keep your information?
Your personal data will be kept only as long as it is necessary for these permitted purposes.
Current year plus two years from closing date of the Ukraine Homes Scheme.
Who do we collect information from?
- We will collect information from Homes for Ukraine applications made to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (central government)
- The Home Office (central government)
- Individual sponsors and individual guests via Gloucestershire County Council
- Disclosure and Baring service providers
What are the consequences if we do not collect the data?
Cheltenham Borough Council is responsible for delivering actions to process Homes for Ukraine applications within its area. We collect data to assist with progressing Homes for Ukraine applications, without this information we would be unable to processes your application.
Are any decisions about you made by automatic means?
No automated decisions are made about you.