Available downloads
Personal licences forms and guidance
- Personal licence application form DOCX, 62.92 KB
- Convictions and declaration form DOCX, 39.49 KB
- Personal licence guidance notes PDF, 165.09 KB
- Accredited personal licence qualification providers PDF, 131.96 KB
- Personal licence notice of surrender PDF, 30.56 KB
Alcohol, entertainment and late night refreshment licences
- Premises licence application form DOCX, 125.01 KB
- Making an objection - application form and guidance notes PDF, 96.36 KB
- Guidance to making an objection PDF, 107.83 KB
- Premises licence guidance notes PDF, 239.18 KB
- Change of designated premises supervisor application form DOC, 227 KB
- Change of designated premises supervisor form of consent DOC, 173 KB
- Premises variation application form DOCX, 96.35 KB
- Premises variation guidance notes PDF, 98.34 KB
- Premises transfer application form DOC, 392 KB
- Premises transfer consent of licence holder PDF, 26.46 KB
- Premises review application form DOC, 257.5 KB
- Premises review guidance notes PDF, 75.27 KB
- Minor variation application form DOCX, 68.18 KB
- Minor variation guidance notes PDF, 142.13 KB
- Notice of surrender PDF, 31.61 KB
- Licensing policy statement PDF, 2.1 MB
- Responsible authorities PDF, 67.85 KB
- Jargon buster – Licensing Act 2003 PDF, 90.19 KB
- Applying for the mandatory alcohol condition requiring a designated premises supervisor in respect of a premises licence to be disapplied DOC, 125 KB
- Minor variation - example of public notice DOC, 27.5 KB
- Pre-application licensing advice form PDF, 399.06 KB
- Additional guidance for applicants of new and variation applications PDF, 530.38 KB
- Guidance on making an application for a club premises certificate PDF, 102.44 KB
- Licences list of acceptable forms identification PDF, 92.55 KB
- Public Notice Licensing Act 2003 DOCX, 13.16 KB
- ENTE Strategy PDF, 3.21 MB
- APPG for the Night Time Economy, Call for evidence: Inquiry into Covid-19 and the Night Time Economy PDF, 458.96 KB
Temporary event notices
- Temporary event notice DOCX, 93.8 KB
Club premises certificate
- Club premises certificate application form PDF, 333.24 KB
- Club premises certficate guidance notes PDF, 102.44 KB
- Declaration for a club premises certificate PDF, 93.06 KB
- Licensing policy statement PDF, 298.08 KB
- Responsible authorities PDF, 49.38 KB
Notice of application for review of a premises licence
Best practice for licensed premises
- Ask Angela poster and staff training PDF, 1.37 MB
- Can't get served poster PDF, 126.86 KB
- Designated premises supervisor consent DOCX, 12.2 KB
- Drink Driving poster PDF, 105.52 KB
- Drug Driving poster PDF, 104.25 KB
- Drugs Poster PDF, 205.94 KB
- Proxy purchase poster PDF, 162.32 KB
- Refusal log template PDF, 814.87 KB
- Think Again poster PDF, 144.64 KB
- Under 25 poster PDF, 163.6 KB