Record details
- Car park
- Town Centre East
- Location
- GL52 2SA
- Map
- Number of spaces
- 354
- Payment
- Pay and display
- Type of car park
- Multi-storey
- Maximum stay
- All day
- Number of disabled bays
- 22 (Levels 4, 5, 6 and 7)
- Disabled users
- Free for first 3 hours with blue badge
- Pay by phone ID number
- 7274
- Charging hours
- Monday to Saturday 8am-8pm including bank holidays, Sunday 10am-8pm. (Car park remains locked on Christmas day, New Year's day and Easter Sunday)
- Up to 1 hour
- £1.50
- Up to 2 hours
- £2.90
- Up to 3 hours
- £3.90
- Up to 4 hours
- £4.50
- 4 hours +
- £8.00
- Other information
- Barriers locked at 8pm.