The climate emergency

Climate change is having a major impact on our planet.

Cheltenham Borough Council has declared a 'Climate Emergency' and committed to become a net zero carbon council and borough by 2030.

Climate Change - The Facts: a short BBC video featuring Sir David Attenborough

How can you reduce your energy bill?

During the current energy crisis most us will find it difficult to afford our electricity and gas bills.

Find tips and support to help you save energy:

Energy saving resources

CheltenhamZero agreement

Sign the pledge and join us in working towards a net zero town

Chelt Zero business fund

Funding to support businesses on their carbon reduction journey

Climate change toolkits

We've put together toolkits for householders and businesses, with links and information to help tackle climate change.

What can your business do?

Information for businesses to become more environmentally friendly.

What can you do as an individual?

Information for individuals to tackle climate change.

Projects and initiatives

Cheltenham climate action conference

The #CheltenhamZero climate change conference was held on Tuesday 12 January 2021. Recordings of the business session and the community session are available on our YouTube channel. Hear from keynote speaker Rebecca Willis, catch up with the other presentations and find out about participants’ ideas for working together and tackling the climate emergency. More than 100 participants attended the successful virtual conference over the two sessions.