Discretionary housing payment

Discretionary housing payments (DHP) may provide extra money if you need help with your housing costs. We assess every case individually by looking at the finances and personal circumstances of the person making the claim.

Discretionary housing payments are not guaranteed.

Can I apply?

You can apply for DHP if you’re receiving housing benefit or the housing costs element of Universal Credit and you need help with:

  • shortfalls in rent
  • rent in advance payments
  • help with moving costs
  • a deposit to help secure rented accommodation

Discretionary housing payments can't be paid for certain services included in your rent such as meals, water, gas, electric and so on. It also does not cover shortfalls in your benefit due to sanctions or recovery of overpayments.

How do I apply?

To make a claim for a discretionary housing payment you will need to complete an online claim form.

To support your claim you will need to give us any relevant evidence such as proof of any ill health or disabilities, debts outstanding and what steps you are taking to improve your situation. You can email this information to us at benefits@cheltenham.gov.uk or post to: Revenues and benefits, Cheltenham Borough Council, Municipal Offices, Promenade, Cheltenham, GL50 9SA.

*If the online form is not available, please contact us on the email address above and we will send you a paper form.

Further information

Each April the government gives us a certain amount of money towards this fund and we can also make a contribution, up to a maximum level set by the government. The fund is cash limited and has to last the full year.

For more information about how about we manage discretionary housing payments, please read the discretionary housing payment policy.