Adult social care precept

The government has allowed councils which provide social care to adults to increase their share of council tax by up to an extra 2% compared to last year’s council tax. This additional council tax charge is called the adult social care precept.

This precept is shown as a separate charge on your council tax bill and is included in your monthly council tax payments.

The income generated from this charge is ring-fenced, meaning it can only be used for adult social care services.

Gloucestershire County Council is the authority which provides adult social care services, and we collect this charge on their behalf.

Further information can be found on the county council's website.

From 2025/26, a change in the law requires the adult social care precept to be included in Gloucestershire County Council's precept as a single figure and percentage change

Statement concerning adult social care funding

The Secretary of State made an offer to adult social care authorities. (“Adult social care authorities” are local authorities which have functions under Part 1 of the Care Act 2014, namely county councils in England, district councils for an area in England for which there is no county council, London borough councils, the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly).

The offer was the option of an adult social care authority being able to charge an additional “precept” on its council tax without holding a referendum, to assist the authority in meeting expenditure on adult social care from the financial year 2016-17. Subject to the annual approval of the House of Commons, the Secretary of State has extended this offer in each financial year up to and including 2024/25.

Gloucestershire County Council has set an adult social care precept of 2.00%, and a general precept increase of 2.99%, resulting in an overall 4.99% increase. 

Precepts 2023/24 2024/25 increase 2024/25 Comments
General precept 1,324.94 45.56 (2.99%) 1,370.50 This is calculated from the Total Band D in 2023/24 multiplied by the total council tax increase of 4.99%, less the Adult Social Care Precept from prior years
Adult Social Care Precept 198.84 30.48 (2.00%) 229.32 The 2.00% is calculated on the Total Band D in 2023/24
Total 1,523.78 76.04 (4.99%) 1,599.82 Not applicable