New rules for January 2021

The new rules affect citizens, businesses and travel to the EU.

Make sure you're ready

Information about the new rules for businesses and citizens from 1 January 2021

EU citizens

Apply for 'settled status' to stay in the UK after it leaves the EU

Voluntary and community sector

Guidance and resources from the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO)

Local authorities

Guidance for local government on preparing for Brexit

EU settlement scheme

The map below shows many of the locations in Cheltenham offering free computer access, scanning facilities, advice or support with EU settlement scheme applications.

book icon Libraries offer free computer access and scanning facilities (you may need to bring your own USB stick). Many libraries also offer help to use a computer, call for details before you visit.
computer iconFree computer access
Information iconAdvice or support with completing your application



Find information about how to apply to the EU settlement scheme (settled and pre-settled status) on GOV.UK.

GOV.UK have also provided translations of the EU settled status guidelines in 26 languages.

Citizen’s Advice Bureau have guidance about staying in Britain after Brexit on their website.