Out of hours contact numbers for emergencies:
Report an emergency in the council’s parks, gardens or buildings - 01242 264102
Cheltenham Borough Homes emergency repairs - 0800 408 0000
Gloucestershire Highways - 08000 514 514
- Highways, roads and traffic
- Street lighting
- Snow and ice
- Trees on highway
Housing and homelessness - Out of office hours service
If you have nowhere to stay during the evening, weekend or on a public holiday please contact 0800 4080000.
If you are in priority need, temporary accommodation may be arranged for you. You will need to contact the housing options team on the morning of the next working day - this is essential as the temporary accommodation will only be available until then.
For other information about housing and homelessness please visit our housing advice web pages.
In the case of an emergency you may also need to contact Gloucestershire County Council.