- Tackling period poverty
- Tattooing registration
- Taxi licences
- Tell Us Once
- Temporary event notices
- Tenant satisfaction measures
- Tennis
- Term dates
- The Coronation
- The Golden Valley Development
- The Golden Valley Development - Home of Cyber Central UK
- The Pest People
- The Wilson
- Theatre
- Throwing litter
- Toilets
- Tourist Information
- Town Hall
- Town twinning
- Townscape
- Trade bonfires
- Trade waste
- Trading standards
- Traffic
- Traffic fumes
- Traffic information - live
- Traffic lights
- Train timetables
- Transparency
- Transport strategies and policies
- Travel information
- Travel passes
- Travel plan
- Tree preservation
- Tree sponsorship
- Trees
- Trollies - abandoned
- Truancy
- Twin town
- Twinning