Adopted development plan
Our development plan has three sources; the Joint Core Strategy 2017, the Cheltenham Plan 2020, and the saved policies of the Cheltenham Borough Local Plan 2006.
Joint Core Strategy 2017 (JCS)
The JCS covers strategic housing (including gypsy and travellers), employment and infrastructure requirements across the JCS area. The JCS was adopted by all three councils in December 2017. A new Cheltenham Plan will be able to address the more detailed local policies, non-strategic allocations, local infrastructure issues and development management policies relevant to Cheltenham.
Cheltenham Plan 2020 (CP)
The Cheltenham Plan sits underneath the strategic-level of the JCS and provides the local-level development strategy for the borough. The Cheltenham Plan helps to meet the level of growth set out in the JCS by providing specific policy guidance for new development in the area and make smaller-scale local allocations. The policies in the Cheltenham Plan set out specific requirements for new development and provide more detail on local issues than the policies in the JCS.
The Cheltenham Plan was adopted at a full council meeting of Cheltenham Borough Council on the 20 July 2020.
In accordance with Regulations 26 and 35 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, the statutory adoption statement and supporting documents have been published on this website and can be accessed by following the links below:
- Cheltenham Plan
- Proposals map (PDF)
- Proposals map (interactive)
- Site maps
- Adoption statement
- Sustainability appraisal adoption statement
- Examination pages
Cheltenham Borough Local Plan (2006) saved policies
A number of policies from the Cheltenham Borough Local Plan (2006) are ‘saved’. These are set out in Table 14 of the Cheltenham Plan but to aid clarity are listed in the table below:
2006 Local Plan policy | Policy heading |
GE 1 | Public Green Space |
RT 1 | Location of Retail Development |
RT 2 | Retail Development in the Core Commercial Area |
RT 3 | Non-A1 Uses in Primary Shopping Frontages |
RT 4 | Retail Development in Local Shopping Centres |
RT 5 | Non A1 Uses in Local Shopping Centres |
RT 8 | Individual Convenience Shops |
RT 9 | Car Sales |
RT 10 | Access to Upper Floors of Commercial Premises |