This web page will contain latest news and updates for residents regarding the coronavirus. We are working with partners across the county through the local resilience forum to safeguard the health of residents.
If you or anyone else that you know needs support, please register for help on Gloucestershire's Community Help Hub, or call 01452 583519.
National coronavirus guidance
The government will regularly publish the latest coronavirus guidance on their website, including any current restrictions. Please ensure you are following the latest advice.

Visiting Cheltenham?
Go to the Visit Cheltenham website to find answers to any questions you may have about your trip to Cheltenham during coronavirus restrictions.
Other advice and information

Answers to common questions about Coronavirus
Information from the World Health Organisation answering common questions about the virus

Information about Covid-19 in other countries
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control signposts information in different European countries
Information in other languages
Visit the New Zealand Ministry of Health website for information in:
- Farsi
- Thai
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- New Zealand sign language